Mining Services

ASIC Hardware, Miner Hosting, Mobile Containers, & More

Whether you’re building your first mine or your tenth: our Services will take your mining to the maximum

Bitcoin Hashrate Growth & Management


Hashrate under management


Active Mining Sites Constructed

Mining Hardware Procurement


ASIC Miners sold


Deals brokered

Managed Mining Program


Clients supported


Mining Pipeline Capacity


A reliable, efficient, stress-free way to procure Bitcoin Mining Rigs.


Containerized Mining solutions: The best way to minimize Operational Expenses, while maximizing performance and Profits.


(Up)time is money when it comes to mining bitcoin. The Remote Hands offering is how you can leverage our team’s expertise to get your mining rigs online and generating steady BTC cash flow as quickly as possible, even if you’re a complete beginner.

Remote Hands

Bronze Tier

Remote Hands

Silver Tier

Remote Hands

Gold Tier

Large Scale Procurement of ASIC Mining Machines

MiningStore helps customers quickly source any type of ASIC miners and can professionally host your machines or deliver them to the location of your choice. 

Antminer S19 Pro

Bitcoin Miner

  • 110 Th

  • 3250 Watts

  • SHA-256 Algorithm

Antminer S19

Bitcoin Miner

  • 95 Th

  • 3250 Watts

  • SHA-256 Algorithm

Antminer T19

Bitcoin Miner

  • 84-88 Th

  • 3150 Watts

  • SHA-256 Algorithm

MicroBT WhatsMiner


  • 110 Th

  • 3250 Watts

  • SHA-256 Algorithm

MiningStore BitCave

Not just an advanced design but truly superior returns...

Innovative Design

The BitCave’s innovative design is proven to maximize ventilation and server density in hot climates. Each container has 320,000 CFM which allows it to support up to 1600 S19 Bitcoin miners.

Simple Installation

The BitCave is truly a plug’n’mine hosting container. Once the power is plugged in and there is an established internet connection the Bitcave starts mining instantly.

Container Management

Your BitCave container and every server inside can be hosted, supported and maintained by MiningStore’s highly experienced staff and specialized software systems. Invest with ease while MiningStore keeps your mining container running at peak efficiency.

Mine With MiningStore

leading the industry in client-profitability for 8+ years.

Call one of our qualified representatives today.