North Ca
6,000 Sq Ft. Data Center

In 2019, MiningStore partered up with the Grundy Center Rural Electric Co-Op to construct a state-of-the-art bitcoin mining facility to their electric substation located in Grundy Center, Iowa.


BTC Mining

Container 1

The project began with the deployment of a 1-megawatt mining container which was repurposed from our BioStar Renewables solar farm deployment. After the container was shipped and delivered, MiningStore’s techs quickly energized the container which functions as one of our many hosting options for our valued clients.



BTC Mining

Container 2

After the successful installation of the first one-megawatt bitcoin mining container, MiningStore continued on to deploy a 2.2-megawatt bitcoin mining container that was also purposed for customer hosting. This container houses a mix of new and old generation machines for our clients.Â